Just some thoughts, Ladies and Gentlemen. Right or wrong...just what I was feeling at the time. - S. Carter

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Keyshia Cole: The Way It Is" aka "The Keyshia Cole Show" Season Finale Run-Down

Photo used courtesy of Mediatakeout.com
As you all know, I am NOT a Keyshia Cole fan. To put it plainly, she can't sing, and her attitude is crazy, plus she always just sounds so stupid! However, I could not keep from watching the train wreck that is "The Way It Is" aka "The Keyshia Cole Show." I watched it all season, from when Frankie first got her teeth, to when she informed Keyshia's adoptive parents that she puts her teeth in when she wants to. I expected last night's episode to display another level of foolishness, and as usual, Keyshia and Frankie did NOT disappoint!

LOL, where do I begin? I know that therapist goes home and just buries his head in his hands because of the high levels of foolishness he encounters everytime they visit him.

Ok, Frankie is just too much! She was yelling at Neffe not to get an abortion (I agree, she shouldn't), but no way should she have used her parenting skills as justification for Neffe not to get the abortion. Frankie has seven kids - she raised NONE of them! She needs to be happy that God saw fit to send people to raise her children.

I felt sooo bad for Neffe when she had to make that phone call. Like seriously, I have no words for how she must have felt. I like Neffe though, and I hope that she's able to get herself established in Atlanta. She really loves and wants to take care of her girls, and I hope she's able to do so.

Now onto the reunion....who in the WORLD let Frankie drink? She shouldn't have any liquor, let alone enough to get drunk. I know Elite and Sammy were like "are you serious? This is the woman we're here to meet? The woman who abandoned us, and is now supposed to be clean?" Why was she ALL up in Elite's baby's face like that? I'm a grown woman, and she would have scared the mess out of me if she'd been all up in my face. Elite should have told her to fall back - that baby didn't know Frankie, plus why would you let someone who is CLEARLY intoxicated be all up in your child's face with her hot liquor breath? I was DONE when they were yelling in the restaurant and Keyshia's adoptive father was on the phone saying he was gonna go sit somewhere else. I would have been embarrassed too! AND WHY WAS KEYSHIA SO LATE? She should have known that there would be drama without her there.

Seriously though, Frankie needs to come to terms with the seriousness of her actions. She expects everyone to just welcome her with open arms - but she was NEVER there, and even now she's unapologetic. You can't just show up after 20 years and expect people to forget the past - especially when you are CLEARLY still getting drunk. You can't expect children that you ABANDONED to suddenly want a mother-child relationship with you when you were NEVER there! They are grown now, some of them with children of their own. Keyshia was wrong for pulling her wig off her head, but I'm sure that would have been hilarious to watch.

I can't WAIT for next season!

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